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I learned about this ancient Hawaiian practice several years ago, and have so thoroughly adopted it into my spiritual practice, I had forgotten its origins.

Ho'oponopono grew out of Hawaiian shamanic (Huna) practices of forgiveness. They believed that all illness was caused by an "error" of failing to forgive a community or family member, or ancestor. The anger and frustration created from this failure to forgive caused illness, and to cure it, a protocol of forgiveness, confession and acceptance was necessary. They believed that to forgive is the essence of healing.

The word Ho'oponopono itself translates as "the act of putting things right"--with your family, community and ultimately yourself. In fact, a modernization of this practice was developed by Ihaleakala Hew Len, a student of the kahuna shaman, Morrnah Simeona. In his book, Zero Limits, Len concentrates the Ho'oponopono practice into a four-step mantra. Chanting this mantra silently or out loud when one is feeling ill, has a body symptom, or negative emotional state, helps to remove it, and bring the person to a "zero state" where healing can begin.

When I began this process, I went through my entire contacts list, including all family and friends, and repeated the mantra on each. It took a while, but I must say I got to a significant release point with the process, and noticed that many of my body symptoms resolved either immediately, or over a short time.

Now, it's pretty much automatic to repeat the mantra anytime I find myself "caught up" with another person, or when I experience body discomforts, or negative emotions. Here is the mantra:

  1. I am sorry.
  2. Please forgive me.
  3. Thank you.
  4. I love you.
It doesn't have to be in that order, and in fact, changing the order around some allows for a deeper understanding of the powerful tool of forgiveness.

Vibrant Living Tip: Use Clean Sweep to cleanse the negativity of judgment and non-forgiveness. Use Beryl Gem Elixir to aid in forgiveness and clarity.